QGC (Herelink App)
Q Ground Control is the free mission planning software installed in all Herelink controllers by default. All Herelink controllers that come with the X55 should have QGC installed and ready to go.
This is the Fly View of the QGC upon boot-up.
Planning Mission Flights
The Plan view is where you will plan, load, save and modify your mission.
For a more in-depth understanding of all the settings, please refer to QGC documentation.
At a high level, the steps to create a mission are:
Set Home Location. This should be the approximate takeoff location and the start point of your mission.
This is only the planned home position and you should place it where you plan to take off the X55. It has no actual impact on flying the mission. The actual home position of the X55 is set by the X55 itself when arming.
Use the plan tools to add waypoints, patterns or load existing mission files.
Waypoint settings such as airspeed/altitude can be changed inside the mission command list>command editor
Add mission end commands such as RTL
Upload the mission to the X55
Go to the Fly view to execute the mission
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