Flight Modes

Altitude Hold

Holds altitude, and self-levels the roll & pitch axes. Does not hold position.

In altitude hold mode, roll, pitch, and yaw can be changed by the pilot, and are stabilized when the pilot is not manipulating them. The X55 maintains a constant altitude unless the pilot changes it. If the throttle stick is in the middle (40% ~ 60%) the X55 will maintain the current altitude. Outside of this middle range, the X55 will descend or climb at a rate that depends on the deflection of the stick.

Altitude Hold mode is not recommended for manual flight, and should be used for emergency situations only. Altitude Hold mode only places a limit on the maximum angle of the aircraft, and not the maximum speed. It is possible to exceed maximum speed ratings of the aircraft in this mode. Any problems resulting from operation beyond the maximum speed rating will not be covered under warranty.


Holds altitude and position and uses GPS for movements

Loiter Mode automatically attempts to maintain the current location, heading, and altitude. The pilot may fly the X55 in Loiter mode as if it were in a more manual flight mode but when the sticks are released, the X55 will slow to a stop and hold the position.

Loiter flight mode requires GPS fix. Please make sure there are at least 12 satellite connections. Please do not use this flight mode when operating under conditions where there’s a higher risk of GPS signal loss.


Executes a pre-defined mission.

In Auto mode, the X55 will follow a pre-programmed mission stored in the autopilot which is made up of navigation commands.

Although this flight mode supports auto take-off and landing, it is highly recommended that the pilot perform manual takeoff and landing. The X55 also requires a good GPS lock before takeoff to set a valid home position.

Return to Launch (RTL)

Returns above the takeoff location, may also include landing.

RTL mode navigates the X55 from its current position to hover above the home position. By default, X55 will execute the landing command once above the home position. The behavior of RTL mode can be controlled by several adjustable parameters.

RTL triggered by failsafe will override all other flight modes. The pilot can regain control of the X55 by pressing the desired flight mode button.

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